Listing Searching Service
$25 / 5 listings
The Japanese major websites for real estate searching are mostly written in only Japanese, or maybe English but could be not fluent enough to understand.
You can request us to search the listings of the real estate properties for rent or sale based on your requests. Price is $25 per 5 listings of each of the following websites : SUUMO, athome, LIFUL HOME'S.
*Note : We may not find the listings of properties that are exactly what you demanded. In this case, we will share the properties that are the closest to your request.
How we work
2 . Send us the request
Please fill in the request form that we send
3 . Pay online
Please pay the service you requested
4 . Let us search
We search for the properties as you ordered
5 . Check the result
The summary of the search will be shared
6 . Tell us more
Need more support? Please let us know
Contact Us
Contact Form
Number : shared with the clients who made a contract with us
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